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Congratulations, Lasse and Carol!

updated by rck, 2005-09-11
Congratulations, Lasse and Carol!

A couple of weeks ago, Andrew Patterson started a phpWebSite contest. The judges Sharon Renshaw and Shawn Murray were found rather quickly, people started working on their submissions. The goal was finding a new look for a new portal.

phpWebSite themes is the new project from the creators of and will focus on phpWebSite themes. I'm already curious how it will turn out and wish all involved parties the best of luck!

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OutlawGroup was here

updated by rck, 2005-09-08
OutlawGroup was here

Today at breakfast I had a surprise on my homepage. The Outlaw Group apparently payed me a visit! Instead of the usual Sharondippity-Theme, all I got was "OutLaw Group". Nothing more.

The good thing of course is a lot of saved bandwidth. Instead of the old 3.7K, the dispatcher was only 13 Bytes big. Then again, a static content management portal isn't exactly my idea of a good time.

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Which Supermodel do you prefer?

updated by rck, 2005-08-21
Which Supermodel do you prefer?

This is a small testpoll to find out, wether the phpWebSite poll module can handle images in questions as well. The answer to this question is yes, it can handle them perfectly.

Please look inside the article to see it for yourself ;-)

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Getting interviewed by an Android

updated by rck, 2005-08-16
Getting interviewed by an Android

Robots kept fascinating me for years. When I was very young, I got a toy-robot as a present. But I've been disappointed, it was nothing more than a tape player.

Still, I've been monitoring the progress robots -- and especially androids, human like robots -- made. And they never failed to amaze me. The current c't even wrote about an android that interviewed people who passed by. Quite amazing.

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Review: Typo3 Enterprise Content Management

updated by rck, 2005-09-19
Review: Typo3 Enterprise Content Management

I've been asked to review a book. It's called Typo3 Enterprise Content Management, it's about Typo3 and it contains a lot of information.

In this article, I'm trying to find out the focus of the book, the target audience and try to write a bit about its content, too.

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