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Photo Albums

Photo Albums 1 - 10 of 292 Name None Description Descending Updated None
Wolfgang 3 TMM Treffen 2


Yesterday was the second "Tanz Mit Mir" meeting at the dance-school Watzek in Vienna. I took the opportunity to take pictures of Wolfgang, the TMM admin. 2005-12-18 00:05
winner 2 Mongolian Wrestling


Wrestling contest during the Nadaam festival 2009 in Vienna. 2009-07-13 12:59
fire department 2 christmas tree wrenching 2006


Wrenching a christmas tree is tradition in Korneuburg. It's about remembering the firemen that got killed during their duties. 2007-10-03 15:40
Walter, sen. Wolti's Bakk

it's been about time

Wolti had his bachelor-party on the 30th of June 2005. Here are the photos. 2005-07-03 18:51
Sun Dawn Munich Messezentrum


Without an ongoing fair, the Munich Messezentrum Ost is nothing but a big place of concrete with some grass on it. Messezentrum West on the other hand has some life on it. 2006-07-22 19:01
Laura and Kathi Szene Wien: Gothic Summer


With Markus Mayers' Band 2006-07-02 01:02
Sandra 5 Stockerau Music Night Sandra 2007


Winner of the "Korneuburg looking for the Super-Star" contest 2007-10-03 15:11
Chillout Informatik Fest 2006


Wiedermal ein Informatik Fachschaft Semesterende Fest. Mit Konkurrenz von Physik-Fachschaft und Architekten, deshalb anfangs mit nicht ganz so vielen Leuten. Später aber schon. 2006-07-02 23:15
window view Infused Cat

My cat Stanley got an infusion

While usually cats throw up their furballs, mine didn't this time. So he got shaved. Um, yeah, that must be the reason. 2004-11-12 01:21
close Security Pool 4

Security Meeting, 2004-10-15

while others attend obscure meetings and plan their future that way, we where rather playing pool and chatting along. 2004-10-15 22:31
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