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Photo Albums

Photo Albums 181 - 200 of 292 Name None Description Descending Updated None
group 4 Mongolian Fashion Show 1


First of two fashion shows, from the Nadam festival 2009 in Vienna. Ethno fashion. 2009-07-13 12:58
Polster Happy Server Friends 1


First meeting of our community server crew 2005-09-30 23:46
crates 100 years breaders Stockerau


featuring carrier pigeons 2007-10-03 15:02
After Shot Korneuburg Minnich Fall Fashion 2006


Fashion Show of Minnich Korneuburg for Fall 2006, happened during the 2nd Oldtimer Convention on the 17th of September 2006 2007-10-03 19:59
harry 4 Erdig Trio


Erdig now has a third member called Mike. We did a little photo shooting in a nearby forest. 2008-10-23 05:03
Kurt / Herbert 3 Austria 3D in Korneuburg


During the Oldtimer Event in Korneuburg, the show-act "Austria 3D" came to visit. These guys are artist who do a show similar to Reinhard Fendrich and Wolfgang Ambros. 2007-10-03 15:04
going home 2 Moscow MAKS 2007


During my time in Moscow, I also had the chance to see a flight exhibition. It was the last day of it, the day of flight-shows. We saw most of them. You can read more about it in the <a href="">Military Photos Thread</a>. 2007-08-31 17:33
Olympic Village Munich Olympiapark


During my 5-week business trip to Munich, I also visited the Olympia Park there. If you are in Munich and there is nice weather, you should, too. 2006-07-22 11:56
Kärntner Chor Priessnitz 60 Jahre Geburtstag


Dr. Priessnitz got 60 years old. Happy Birthday! 2007-10-03 15:19
orange blue Austrian Agility Masters 2006


Dogs from all over the place came to Korneuburg and giving their best. This was the last of 7 events today, the winner woulds would be master of the year. 2007-10-03 19:55
11fertig Making of Lebkuchenruine

Wie die Sweet-Dreams Abgabe entstand

Die bereits im März 2004 geschossenen Photos zur Entstehung der Sweet Dreams Abgabe sind hier zu bewundern. Viel Spaß! 2004-09-06 11:22
Luftballons Korneuburg AHS Eröffnung


Der Eröffnung der AHS gingen langwierige Verhandlungen voraus. Den Teilnehmern ist die Erleichterung und Freude ins Gesicht geschrieben. 2007-10-03 19:52
Surveilance Stockerau Hospital Open Door


Day of the open door for the Stockerau Hospital, too. 2007-10-03 15:34
thomas ziemlich voll Security Grillen 2004-08-21

Im Burgenland ist's gut Grillen

Das Security Team ist immer schwer am Arbeiten, so auch in den Ferien, wie diese Photos beweisen. 2004-09-09 22:21
nknoop, cseiwald, jtrojer HSF 4.0


Das 4. Happy Server Friends Treffen fand im Siebensternbräu statt. Wichtigster Punkt auf der Agenda: Unsere Security Probleme. 2006-11-22 22:33
Cindy and Lea Cindy and Felix

provided by Mandarin

Cindy is Mandarins cat, which runs around freely in her home-city. She also had a home for Felix, who parted from her before the previous millenium ended. This album is a suplement to the <a href="thread567.html">Katzenthread</a> 2006-04-23 15:27
cat treppe Cat Session 2


Cat Session 2, Stockerau und Schotterbruch Großmugl 2007-10-03 15:46
female blue Birgit Hofmann Perser


Birgit Hofmann has some Persian cats to sell. 2007-10-03 15:07
Schmetterling 4 Schmetterlingshaus


Besuch im Schmetterlingshaus in der Langen Nacht der Museen 2005-10-29 10:47
subway Münchner Oktoberfest 2006


Being in Munich end of September means attending the Oktoberfest as well. Hey, Hotelprices are way up, so that just has to be done, right? 2007-10-03 19:53
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