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Photo Albums

Photo Albums 241 - 260 of 292 Name None Description Ascending Updated None
Thomas Sauer Korneuburg Charity Soccer


The second annual charity soccer game in Korneuburg 2007-10-03 15:31
apples Moscow Inner-City Tour


The second day of my Moscow travel started with Katja and her inner-city tour of Moscow. We visited all kind of stuff, from the red place, to the Kremel to various churches. 2007-09-09 19:25
Sami 5 Siemens Betriebsversammlung Austria Center


The second gathering of Siemens employee regarding the PSE COM-Enterprise carveout. About 1600 attendees... 2007-02-01 19:42
stick 2 Aleda Session 2


The second session with Aleda. This time at my home. 2008-01-13 21:49
building 2 Moscow All-Russian Expo


The second trip of the 4th day: The all-russian Expo. A place where every russian state build a building. 2007-08-31 18:02
Gitti Corinna 2 Gitti City - New Generation


The Sports Aerobic team from the Gitti City in Stockerau prepares itself for the upcoming contest. Some photos of the "new generation" -- the youngest of the trainees. 2007-10-03 15:26
Audience 3 Stockerau Potatoe Fashion Show 2006


The Stockerau Market Street organization did a fashion show with all the fashion shops of Stockerau. 40 models, lots of stuff, one hour long. 2007-10-03 20:04
Valeria 2 Gitti City - Sport Aeorobic Event


The surroundings of the contest 2007-10-03 15:21
Michaela Gasometer 2005

4 Jahre Gasometer Community

The Vienna Gasometer Community got 4 years old! This is some kind of magic number, as there are four Gasometers. 2005-06-12 12:23
station Ankara Museum of Technology


The visit to the Ankara Museum of Science and technology was a short and pleasant one. Our trainer Ben and I took a short walk there during a lunch break. 2005-12-18 22:24
geese Moscow Zoo


There's a big variety of different animals in the Moscow Zoo. I especially liked the flamingos, white tigers and the foxes. 2007-09-02 15:45
dogs Xmas / Korneuburg

How my father's living area got decorated

There's that habit to decorate everything everywhere during christmas. I've documented 2004s decoration from my fathers place with pictures. 2004-12-17 23:26
Gänse Kleintiere in Stockerau


These are the photos of the article [url=]Vögel hinter Gittern[/url]. 2007-10-03 15:36
Crew HSF 3.0


Third meeting of our Happy Server Friends community. 2006-06-07 06:02
rubin grave Moscow Cementery


This is the Moscow cementary, where all the important people are burried 2007-09-02 19:55
Organisator Oldtimer 2006 Event


This is the third album of the Oldtimer Meeting 2006 in Korneuburg. It contains the celebrity stuff ;-) 2007-10-03 19:57
supporter Soapbox Race


this soap box race happened in Niederrussbach, district of Korneuburg. 2007-10-03 20:07
shoe2 Secure XMAS

Security Team 2004-12-18

This year's security xmas party happened at the Mocca Club in Vienna. 2004-12-17 23:41
front view 2 main building Math Run 2004-10-05

Today's Math: a walk in the park

Today I had "Mathematik 1 Prüfung" on the university of technology. It was more a walk in the Park than anything else. Literally. 2004-10-05 16:08
king Gymnasium Korneuburg Presentation


Today was "day of the open door" in the new "Korneuburg Gymnasium". 2007-10-03 15:40
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