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Photo Albums

Photo Albums 251 - 292 of 292 Name Descending Description None Updated None
female blue Birgit Hofmann Perser


Birgit Hofmann has some Persian cats to sell. 2007-10-03 15:07
blaumeise 3 Birdwatching

From our first photo club session

klwe and I were watching birds today. We even shot pictures! In case you want to join us and are from Vienna or a surrounding are: Please say so in the Photo Club Forum!

2005-03-21 18:48
Finished 2 Biercross Leitzersdorf


Mission: Get Drunk. The first Biercross run in Leitzendorf made a lot of teams run for the golden beer barrel. 2007-10-03 20:06
schlusswort Best of Security

Security Verbesserung 2005-01

Damit die vier Stunden Testkorrektur sich diesmal auch auszahlen, haben wir die besten Meldungen verfilmt. Viel Spaß!

2005-01-30 19:50
Berlin remains hard Berlin Olympia Stadion

Berlin 12

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 12: I went by the Olympia Stadion while going to Spandau. And it made me curious, so I looked around there. 2005-04-18 20:32
Spree Berlin around my Hotel

Berlin 2

Phase 1 of 4, Berlin 2: Lookin' 'round my Hotel (Ibis Ostbahnhof, great btw.) 2005-04-16 23:33
Roman, Rene and Nadia Beethoven Cycle


We've been to the Beethoven cycle in April 2006. That's all nine symphonies of Beethoven in a row! 2006-04-26 12:51
court 5 Beachchallenge 2007


Beachvolleyball challenge in Korneuburg 2007-10-03 15:09
anne 7 BC Session 1


The Business Competence Team gives its debut 2008-04-10 23:37
group 2 BC Kick-off


A couple of pictures from the Business Competence Kick-off 2008-03-13 22:54
blue only Bathroom Experiments


The first shooting with my Canon PowerShoot S2 IS I'm publishing. 2006-05-27 22:31
barbara 8 Barbara Session 1


A nice photo shooting with model Barbara and stylist Bettina, in a park near my flat. 2009-05-09 01:53
wolfgang Bachelor Party

The second event

After being to Berlin in February, it's been about time to party with friends. 2005-04-10 19:51
dust 2 Autobahn Baustelle Korneuburg

Fastlane, everyday sight

At last. Todays Photo Club session gave me oportunity to photograph what I see everyday. When driving from my home to Vienna, you will see this big construction site.

Not exactly a pleasant sight. And very, very dusty...

2005-03-21 20:29
leutnand Rausch Austrian National Day 2006


On October 26th 1955, Mr. Fiegl declared "Austria is free". Since 1965, this day is our national holiday and has been place of military exhibition ever since. 2007-10-03 15:45
Dog with Cups Austrian Agility Masters 2006 Distinction


What good is a masters event if there is no tribute to the winners? I did the official photos for KSV... :-) 2007-10-03 19:54
orange blue Austrian Agility Masters 2006


Dogs from all over the place came to Korneuburg and giving their best. This was the last of 7 events today, the winner woulds would be master of the year. 2007-10-03 19:55
Sheltie Austrian Agility Champions 2006


Impressions from the Austrian Dog Agility Championship. Alas, my camera reset itself to 640x480px. I hope you don't mind too much... 2007-10-03 19:56
Kurt / Herbert 3 Austria 3D in Korneuburg


During the Oldtimer Event in Korneuburg, the show-act "Austria 3D" came to visit. These guys are artist who do a show similar to Reinhard Fendrich and Wolfgang Ambros. 2007-10-03 15:04
speech Atelier Opening Eichinger


Korneuburg now officially has another atelier. It's the one of Christine and Christian Eichinger. 2007-10-03 15:07
skating Artpoint Meeting


Some photos from todays Artpoint Meeting in Korneuburg. 2007-10-03 15:31
Depeche Mode 1 April 1st, 2004

Scherze zum 1. April 2004

auch am 1. April 2004 gab's ein paar lustige Zeitgenossen, die armen Leuten einen Scherz spielten. Ein paar der Juxe aus dem Internet sind in diesem Photoalbum verewigt. 2004-04-02 19:03
station Ankara Museum of Technology


The visit to the Ankara Museum of Science and technology was a short and pleasant one. Our trainer Ben and I took a short walk there during a lunch break. 2005-12-18 22:24
cantina 3 Ankara Colleagues


The colleagues we are working with from now on. And a couple of other stuff, too. 2005-12-18 23:41
broken Ankara Airport


A couple of photos, taken at the Airport in Ankara during a business trip. 2005-12-18 22:03
truck Ankara


People and Country 2005-12-18 22:57
canola Andi Session 2


Another shooting with Andi, this time in spring during daytime. Again in district Korneuburg, of course. 2009-05-09 01:53
andi 8 Andi Session 1


Andi at Dusk in Leobendorf and Spillern 2009-02-09 20:54
Wäscherei Alternative Wahlplakate

zur EU-Wahl 2004

Hier sind ein paar Entwürfe, die es leider noch nicht bis in die Öffentlichkeit geschafft haben. Damit meiner werten Leserschaft nichts entgeht, habe ich sie an dieser Stelle gehortet! 2004-06-02 11:38
serdar 2 Alper Housewarming Party


And it was about time, too. 2007-03-07 23:42
Rollator All Saints


The All Saints day is an official holiday in Austria. Here, people visit their dead relatives. 2007-10-03 15:43
toleranz Alexanderplatz

Berlin 4

Bachelor phase 1 of 4: Berlin 4. The Alexanderplatz was the DDRs way of showing off. A bunch of huge, monumental buildings which don't really relate to each other put on one big place. Korneuburg could easily fit in the place... Big, huge, don't know how to describe it. 2005-04-17 01:02
stick 2 Aleda Session 2


The second session with Aleda. This time at my home. 2008-01-13 21:49
farewell Aleda Session 1


First session with Aleda-Ledi, supported by Minnich fashion store Korneuburg 2007-12-01 18:37
werner AIS FDB2 Review


A gathering of review partners in Vienna. 2008-01-19 12:53
Hauptplatz 7th long Korneuburg Shopping Night


if shops are open until 9pm that's reason for celebrating. 2007-10-03 15:28
small wheel 4 hours moped race


Because of bad wether, todays racers of the 4 hour moped race had a quite frustrating time. 2007-10-03 20:11
cuties 3rd Korneuburg artistic kilometer


focus on Peter Pan 2007-10-03 15:27
30 years 30 years Priessnitz Korneuburg


Today was the big celebration of Dr. Priessnitz' 30 year anniversary. 2007-10-03 15:25
group 3 18. Stiftungsfest Laetita


The Korneuburg connection called Laetita got 18. 2007-10-07 20:41
crates 100 years breaders Stockerau


featuring carrier pigeons 2007-10-03 15:02
dancing 3 10 years Gwölb


The Korneuburg pub is 10 years old. 2007-10-07 20:41
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