[[toc]] ---- ++ General Notes All text is entered as plain text, and will be converted to HTML entities as necessary. This means that {{<}}, {{>}}, {{&}}, and so on are converted for you (except in special situations where the characters are Wiki markup). Just hit "return" twice to make a paragraph break. ---- ++ Inline Formatting || {{``//emphasis text//``}} || //emphasis text// || || {{``**strong text**``}} || **strong text** || || {{``//**emphasis and strong**//``}} || //**emphasis and strong**// || || {{``{{teletype text}}``}} || {{teletype text}} || || {{``@@--- delete text +++ insert text @@``}} || @@--- delete text +++ insert text @@ || || {{``@@--- delete only @@``}} || @@--- delete only @@ || || {{``@@+++ insert only @@``}} || @@+++ insert only @@ || ---- ++ Literal Text If you don't want to parse some text, enclose it in two backticks (not single-quotes). This //text// gets **parsed**. ``This //text// does not get **parsed**.`` This //text// gets **parsed**. ``This //text// does not get **parsed**.`` ---- ++ Headings You can make various levels of heading by putting equals-signs before and after the text (all on its own line): +++ Level 3 Heading ++++ Level 4 Heading +++++ Level 5 Heading ++++++ Level 6 Heading +++ Level 3 Heading ++++ Level 4 Heading +++++ Level 5 Heading ++++++ Level 6 Heading ---- ++ Table of Contents To create a list of every heading, with a link to that heading, put a table of contents tag on its own line. [[toc]] ---- ++ Horizontal Rules Use four dashes ({{``----``}}) to create a horizontal rule. ---- ++ Lists +++ Bullet Lists You can create bullet lists by starting a paragraph with one or more asterisks. * Bullet one * Sub-bullet * Bullet one * Sub-bullet +++ Numbered Lists Similarly, you can create numbered lists by starting a paragraph with one or more hashes. # Numero uno # Number two # Sub-item # Numero uno # Number two # Sub-item +++ Mixing Bullet and Number List Items You can mix and match bullet and number lists: # Number one * Bullet * Bullet # Number two * Bullet * Bullet * Sub-bullet # Sub-sub-number # Sub-sub-number # Number three * Bullet * Bullet # Number one * Bullet * Bullet # Number two * Bullet * Bullet * Sub-bullet # Sub-sub-number # Sub-sub-number # Number three * Bullet * Bullet +++ Definition Lists You can create a definition (description) list with the following syntax: : Item 1 : Something : Item 2 : Something else : Item 1 : Something : Item 2 : Something else ---- ++ Block Quotes You can mark a blockquote by starting a line with one or more '>' characters, followed by a space and the text to be quoted. This is normal text here. > Indent me! The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. > > Another block, leading to... >> Second level of indenting. This second is indented even more than the previous one. Back to normal text. This is normal text here. > Indent me! The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. > > Another block, leading to... >> Second level of indenting. This second is indented even more than the previous one. Back to normal text. ---- ++ Links and Images +++ Wiki Links SmashWordsTogether to create a page link. You can force a WikiPage name '''not''' to be clickable by putting an exclamation mark in front of it. WikiPage !WikiPage WikiPage !WikiPage You can create a "described" or "labeled" link to a wiki page by putting the page name in brackets, followed by some text. [WikiPage Descriptive text for the link.] [WikiPage Descriptive text for the link.] +++ URLs Create a remote link simply by typing its URL: http://sf.net/projects/phpwebsite-comm. If you like, enclose it in brackets to create a numbered reference and avoid cluttering the page; {{``[http://sf.net/projects/phpwebsite-comm]``}} becomes [http://sf.net/projects/phpwebsite-comm]. Or you can have a described-reference instead of a numbered reference: [http://pear.php.net PEAR] [http://pear.php.net PEAR] +++ Images You can put a picture in a page by typing the URL to the picture (it must end in gif, jpg, or png). http://c2.com/sig/wiki.gif http://c2.com/sig/wiki.gif You can use the described-reference URL markup to give the image an ALT tag: [http://phpwebsite.appstate.edu/images/logos/phpwebsite_sicherman_logo1.gif phpWebSite] [http://phpwebsite.appstate.edu/images/logos/phpwebsite_sicherman_logo1.gif phpWebSite] ---- ++ Code Blocks Create code blocks by using {{...}} tags (each on its own line). This is an example code block! To create PHP blocks that get automatically colorized when you use PHP tags, simply surround the code with {{...}} tags (the tags themselves should each be on their own lines, and no need for the {{}} tags). // Set up the wiki options $options = array(); $options['view_url'] = "index.php?page="; // load the text for the requested page $text = implode('', file($page . '.wiki.txt')); // create a Wiki objext with the loaded options $wiki = new Text_Wiki($options); // transform the wiki text. echo $wiki->transform($text); // Set up the wiki options $options = array(); $options['view_url'] = "index.php?page="; // load the text for the requested page $text = implode('', file($page . '.wiki.txt')); // create a Wiki objext with the loaded options $wiki = new Text_Wiki($options); // transform the wiki text. echo $wiki->transform($text); ---- ++ Tables You can create tables using pairs of vertical bars: || cell one || cell two || |||| big ol' line || || cell four || cell five || || cell six || here's a very long cell || || cell one || cell two || |||| big ol' line || || cell four || cell five || || cell six || here's a very long cell || || lines must start and end || with double vertical bars || nothing || || cells are separated by || double vertical bars || nothing || |||| you can span multiple columns by || starting each cell || || with extra cell |||| separators || |||||| but perhaps an example is the easiest way to see || || lines must start and end || with double vertical bars || nothing || || cells are separated by || double vertical bars || nothing || |||| you can span multiple columns by || starting each cell || || with extra cell |||| separators || |||||| but perhaps an example is the easiest way to see ||