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Photo Albums

Photo Albums 251 - 260 of 292 Name Descending Description None Updated None
female blue Birgit Hofmann Perser


Birgit Hofmann has some Persian cats to sell. 2007-10-03 15:07
blaumeise 3 Birdwatching

From our first photo club session

klwe and I were watching birds today. We even shot pictures! In case you want to join us and are from Vienna or a surrounding are: Please say so in the Photo Club Forum!

2005-03-21 18:48
Finished 2 Biercross Leitzersdorf


Mission: Get Drunk. The first Biercross run in Leitzendorf made a lot of teams run for the golden beer barrel. 2007-10-03 20:06
schlusswort Best of Security

Security Verbesserung 2005-01

Damit die vier Stunden Testkorrektur sich diesmal auch auszahlen, haben wir die besten Meldungen verfilmt. Viel Spaß!

2005-01-30 19:50
Berlin remains hard Berlin Olympia Stadion

Berlin 12

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 12: I went by the Olympia Stadion while going to Spandau. And it made me curious, so I looked around there. 2005-04-18 20:32
Spree Berlin around my Hotel

Berlin 2

Phase 1 of 4, Berlin 2: Lookin' 'round my Hotel (Ibis Ostbahnhof, great btw.) 2005-04-16 23:33
Roman, Rene and Nadia Beethoven Cycle


We've been to the Beethoven cycle in April 2006. That's all nine symphonies of Beethoven in a row! 2006-04-26 12:51
court 5 Beachchallenge 2007


Beachvolleyball challenge in Korneuburg 2007-10-03 15:09
anne 7 BC Session 1


The Business Competence Team gives its debut 2008-04-10 23:37
group 2 BC Kick-off


A couple of pictures from the Business Competence Kick-off 2008-03-13 22:54
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