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Photo Albums

Photo Albums 266 - 270 of 292 Name None Description None Updated Descending
business SWE Crew

Software Maintenance and Evolution Crew

some impressions of the swe crew, october and november 2004 2004-11-18 00:14
twisted Security Test 2004

the first security test 2004 was fun

for us, the first security test on 29th of october 2004 was fun. here's a look behind the curtains. before we went to the radinger hörsaal... 2004-11-17 23:22
greenled Server Upgrade

GHL Harddisk upgrade 2004-09-29

Sometime before September 29th, I figured out with Yves' help, that the /tmp filesystem was too small. So Flo and I did a upgrade. 2004-11-17 22:54
window view Infused Cat

My cat Stanley got an infusion

While usually cats throw up their furballs, mine didn't this time. So he got shaved. Um, yeah, that must be the reason. 2004-11-12 01:21
Hotjava 4.5 useable lsd vs. Windows & Konqueror

How does the default theme of as of 2004-11-07 perform on various Browsers?

I've spent a lot of time of doing div-based designs for phpWebSite. Yesterday, for example, I've worked from 10am to 5am to get rid of nasty, nasty errors.

phpWebSite templates are horrible, html-wise. The following Screenshots of the new theme are proof, that it can be done, nevertheless.

2004-11-07 20:13
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