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phpWebSite provides a complete web site content management system. Web-based administration allows for easy maintenance of interactive, community-driven web sites. phpWebSites growing number of modules allow for easy site customization without the need for unwanted or unused features.




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Article Manager

Dragging users into groups

updated by rck, 2005-06-30
Dragging users into groups

Administrating users in a content management system sure can be boring. Take phpWebSite. You click on a user. You click on add to group. You scroll down, look for the next user. Oops, wrong one. Let's click on the previous one again and move it back. Aem, drop it back.

Draging and Dropping might be just the spice that's missing here and with Rico it might even be easy to implement. I made a tiny prototype.

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Comparing TYPO3 with phpWebSite

updated by rck, 2006-03-25
Comparing TYPO3 with phpWebSite

I've been using phpWebSite for about a year now and think that it can be adapted to most content management needs. TYPO3 is leading the open source CMS market right now and has very powerful features no other CMS can offer.

Still, I think phpWebSite is the better choice most of the times. I will show you why.

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Turn off phpWebSite's cache

updated by rck, 2004-10-10
Turn off phpWebSite's cache

Usually, caching is good. It saves rendering time and makes websites snappier. Most interesting: This isn't always true for phpWebSite. It sure isn't in my case. I can feel a big speed improvement now after turning the Cache off, regular visitors might as well. No one knows, why. Even the readme states, there could be a speed improvement by turning it off

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Upgrade to Article Manager 2.7

updated by rck, 2004-10-10
Upgrade to Article Manager 2.7

This is a great update! Elroy not only fixed the bbcode troubles, he also made ... drumroll... dynamically changing input boxes! Article Manager will now show you Textareas & Text-Inputboxes, that are as wide as the column you put it in with the layout manager.

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Test Thread for Smile.php

updated by rck, 2004-10-10
Test Thread for Smile.php

there should be a smilie: smile and another one: cool some more: idea twisted arrow sad surprised mad

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We got smilies

updated by rck, 2006-03-27
We got smilies

Thanks to a patch by Yves, we now have smilies on as well! Let's take a brief tour on how you use them.

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Test Article for Spanish Accent

updated by rck, 2006-03-27
Test Article for Spanish Accent

Will Oración stay Oración? will á stay á, will é,í,ó,ú,ñ stay the way they should?

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A play of slots

updated by rck, 2004-10-10
A play of slots

Let's have some fun with another swallow 0.2 hack demo!

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updated by rck, 2006-05-13
Impressum is Teamwork. Behold, the team of While the first page is written german, as required by Austrian law, the following pages are written english.

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Photobox 0.2.2 installiert

updated by rck, 2004-09-09
Photobox 0.2.2 installiert Photobox ist ein phpWebSite Modul, welches zufällige Photos aus den vorliegenden Photoalben anzeigt. Es ermöglicht außerdem, dass Photo größer oder auch das gesamte Photoalbum anzusehen.

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