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Photo Albums

Photo Albums 251 - 292 of 292 Name None Description None Updated Descending
front 1 BMW Power

How not to take care of your BMW

Another gem from our first Photo Club Session. The owner of this BMW obviously doesn't like it as much as he/she should. Found in Korneuburg.

2005-03-21 19:03
blaumeise 3 Birdwatching

From our first photo club session

klwe and I were watching birds today. We even shot pictures! In case you want to join us and are from Vienna or a surrounding are: Please say so in the Photo Club Forum!

2005-03-21 18:48
Elin Searching a dish washer

Funny messages we got while searching a dish washer

We didn't find one that would fit in the space we have, though. I don't think that's what the manufactures had in mind with their sites. 2005-02-06 17:50
more to come... Lustige Meldungen

Was mir so unterkommt

Ab und zu kommen Meldungen auf meinen Schirm, die ich archivieren möchte. 2005-02-02 00:32
schlusswort Best of Security

Security Verbesserung 2005-01

Damit die vier Stunden Testkorrektur sich diesmal auch auszahlen, haben wir die besten Meldungen verfilmt. Viel Spaß!

2005-01-30 19:50
mouse Stanley at Home

while my father is in Burma...

...I take care of my cat. 2005-01-29 11:16
packet 2 UC-55

My Clié cradle arrived

After months and months of trying, I finally got my Clié Cradle today. That wouldn't have been possible without Wayne from the phpWebSite community.

2005-01-20 10:53
mark Clie TH-55 Resolution Test

how good is my clies resolution?

I've just stumbled across Stephen H Westins Camera Resolution Test Chart and couldn't resist trying it. My Clié performed rather badly, as expected.

2004-12-18 19:18
birgit2 USI XMAS Training

the last training in 2004

Too bad some photos got rather blurry, I left them out. Still: nice shots! 2004-12-18 00:50
relax2 Inside PS2

tweaking a playstation 2

Making a playstation 2 do what it should in the first place is a lot of work. I'm talking of playing DVDs of all regions, as well as imported and selfmade games of course. 2004-12-18 00:38
walking Stanley in Motion

A couple of pictures of my cat

It's not easy to catch Stanley sitting. As soon as I started photographing him, he wanted to play. 2004-12-17 23:56
shoe2 Secure XMAS

Security Team 2004-12-18

This year's security xmas party happened at the Mocca Club in Vienna. 2004-12-17 23:41
dogs Xmas / Korneuburg

How my father's living area got decorated

There's that habit to decorate everything everywhere during christmas. I've documented 2004s decoration from my fathers place with pictures. 2004-12-17 23:26
flower paths are your friends

a couple of experiments I did with photoshop paths

I am still trying to get the idea, on how Photoshop paths are working. While they sure don't look that complicated, I don't really know how to make the connection between a idea of a curve and the representation as a path. 2004-11-21 16:28
two Database lecture

I've been there!

While my colleagues where commenting the hell out of our "Software Maintenance and Evolution" project, I've been at the uni vienna for ten minutes or so. Not to make that pointless as a whole, I took a couple of pictures. 2004-11-18 08:05
business SWE Crew

Software Maintenance and Evolution Crew

some impressions of the swe crew, october and november 2004 2004-11-18 00:14
twisted Security Test 2004

the first security test 2004 was fun

for us, the first security test on 29th of october 2004 was fun. here's a look behind the curtains. before we went to the radinger hörsaal... 2004-11-17 23:22
greenled Server Upgrade

GHL Harddisk upgrade 2004-09-29

Sometime before September 29th, I figured out with Yves' help, that the /tmp filesystem was too small. So Flo and I did a upgrade. 2004-11-17 22:54
window view Infused Cat

My cat Stanley got an infusion

While usually cats throw up their furballs, mine didn't this time. So he got shaved. Um, yeah, that must be the reason. 2004-11-12 01:21
Hotjava 4.5 useable lsd vs. Windows & Konqueror

How does the default theme of as of 2004-11-07 perform on various Browsers?

I've spent a lot of time of doing div-based designs for phpWebSite. Yesterday, for example, I've worked from 10am to 5am to get rid of nasty, nasty errors.

phpWebSite templates are horrible, html-wise. The following Screenshots of the new theme are proof, that it can be done, nevertheless.

2004-11-07 20:13
close Security Pool 4

Security Meeting, 2004-10-15

while others attend obscure meetings and plan their future that way, we where rather playing pool and chatting along. 2004-10-15 22:31
coffee and biscuit 3 Coffee Time at GHL

Coffe Time 2004-09-28

While hanging around in the GHL for upgrading our server's harddisk, I shot a couple of pictures 2004-10-05 18:53
front view 2 main building Math Run 2004-10-05

Today's Math: a walk in the park

Today I had "Mathematik 1 Prüfung" on the university of technology. It was more a walk in the Park than anything else. Literally. 2004-10-05 16:08
Wickeltisch Herren Wickeltische at the Freihaus

Wickeltische 2004-05-10

one of those word which isn't translateable to english. At least for me. A Wickeltisch is a public desk at a washing room, where you can change your baby's diapers. 2004-10-05 15:39
xboxes homepage says Order me

Pictures for Article 102

so, you can finally order me. not. 2004-10-04 23:58
girl facing USI workout 2004-10-04

USI workout, winter 2004/2005

my first workout at the usi in the new term 2004/2005. 2004-10-04 13:19
Banner Polar 0.2 rck2004 vs. Polar 0.2

Detailed Screenshots from the rck2004 theme

I'm putting rck2004 officially to rest as of today. Here are some screenshots of it, you can still try it out by registering and choosing it in Control Panel -> Layout 2004-10-02 21:44
Mindpower Southpark Do-It-Yourself

I indeed created my own critters

Found a nice link via I-Love-Jack-Daniels 2004-10-02 13:54
tür 1 WU Impressionen 2004-09-08

WU Impressionen

Verlängerung der WU-Karte war mir zwar nicht möglich, doch habe ich ein paar interessante Photos gemacht. 2004-09-30 21:01
Lynx 2.8.4rel.1 (17 Jul 2001) / SuSE Linux 9.0 Polar Theme

0.1 / 2004-10-01

screenshots of the brand new theme on various browser and platforms. Browsers include Konqueror, Internet Explorer, Opera and Netscape. 2004-09-30 20:33
new home My broken iMac

troublesome, expensive, lots of plastic

I bought an iMac back in 1998. Because I thought, it was cool. But it didn't work, could get repaired and sucked ever since. Got any Tips? 2004-09-29 00:20
reinigen Magdeburg 2003

Das Leben als Wache

2003, das Jahr, in dem es geschah. Endlich brachte ich meinen Präsenzdienst hinter mich, genau wie viele andere Kameraden. 2004-09-21 23:06
thomas ziemlich voll Security Grillen 2004-08-21

Im Burgenland ist's gut Grillen

Das Security Team ist immer schwer am Arbeiten, so auch in den Ferien, wie diese Photos beweisen. 2004-09-09 22:21
11fertig Making of Lebkuchenruine

Wie die Sweet-Dreams Abgabe entstand

Die bereits im März 2004 geschossenen Photos zur Entstehung der Sweet Dreams Abgabe sind hier zu bewundern. Viel Spaß! 2004-09-06 11:22
Wäscherei Alternative Wahlplakate

zur EU-Wahl 2004

Hier sind ein paar Entwürfe, die es leider noch nicht bis in die Öffentlichkeit geschafft haben. Damit meiner werten Leserschaft nichts entgeht, habe ich sie an dieser Stelle gehortet! 2004-06-02 11:38
fpoe06 Europawahl 2004

Europawahl 2004

Ich habe mir erlaubt, an dieser Stelle die Wahlplakate für die Europawahl 2004 zu horten. Wer weis, vielleicht verschwinden sie ja eines Tages unerwartet... ;-) 2004-06-02 09:14
21 Sushi Session, 2004-05b

Versuch 2

Auch dieser 2. Anlauf ist nicht vollständig. Der Akku war bei der Aufnahme plötzlich aus, die "Wiederanlaufphase" hat meine Videokarte nicht verkraftet... Dritter (und letzter?) Teil folgt! 2004-06-01 10:24
23 Sushi Session, 2004-05

Versuch 1

Hier der erste Versuch, die Sushi-Session von SVHS-C auf PNG zu konvertieren. Dank akuter Dummheit meinerseits habe ich die Photoshop Session mit den Bildern darin größtenteils gekillt und bin noch nicht zum Neumachen gekommen. 2004-05-31 21:01
Oracle Power Browser 1.5.04 Browser Catwalk 2004-05-29

Wie macht sich in verschiedenen Webbrowsern?

Ich habe den Beitrag zu iCapture von der Kinsley Consulting Group zum Anlass genommen und durch diverse Onlineservices und Browser gejagt. Das Ergebnis ist durchaus positiv! 2004-05-29 21:18
ruine Sweet Dreams 2004

Die essbaren Exponate fürs Architekturtheorieinstitut

Im Rahmen von Sweet Dreams 2004 entstand meine Lebkuchen-Ruine! Und tatsächlich, sie hat es in die Endausscheidung geschaft. Ich hab sogar ein Buch gewonnen!! 2004-05-27 18:17
Depeche Mode 1 April 1st, 2004

Scherze zum 1. April 2004

auch am 1. April 2004 gab's ein paar lustige Zeitgenossen, die armen Leuten einen Scherz spielten. Ein paar der Juxe aus dem Internet sind in diesem Photoalbum verewigt. 2004-04-02 19:03
sky Chatternation 2001-03-04


Mein erstes Chattertreffen. Und mein letztes ;-) Mit vielen lieben Leuten, wie zB flo, texxxxxx, tesssssi und soweiter. 2004-04-02 18:17
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