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Classifieds in Austria

updated by rck, 2005-07-05
Classifieds in Austria

There's a new classifieds platform here in Austria. The nice thing about Tom Clever is, that it is for free. There are no fees whatsoever involved. One can get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of categories, but the structure makes sense.

The eight categories (communities, hobbies, vehicles, services, contact, real estates, courses and goods of all kind) should be able to hold everything someone would like to sell or buy.

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Defacing Phishing sites

updated by rck, 2006-04-22
Defacing Phishing sites

You know about defacing. That's the thing that happens to unsecure web sites. Some people hack them and put their own content up. phpBB is a well known target of defacing, so is phpNuke.

And then there's phishing. Basically setting up fake sites that look like commercial banks or similar institutions. That are set up so you'd have to enter sensitive information which would be collected.

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Google Earth

updated by rck, 2005-06-30
Google Earth

Google Maps is a huge success. And a nice example for another successful Google application. Too bad that there are only maps about US and UK.

Google Earth is the next cartography attempt of Google. And it's even more successful. It is apparently so successfull that Google even had to temporarily disable the download of it. Download? Yes, it's a windows program, based on Direct X.

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Dragging users into groups

updated by rck, 2005-06-30
Dragging users into groups

Administrating users in a content management system sure can be boring. Take phpWebSite. You click on a user. You click on add to group. You scroll down, look for the next user. Oops, wrong one. Let's click on the previous one again and move it back. Aem, drop it back.

Draging and Dropping might be just the spice that's missing here and with Rico it might even be easy to implement. I made a tiny prototype.

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Cropping Images

updated by rck, 2005-06-28
Cropping Images

One reason, why Typo3 is as successful: It is integrated. It has a workflow, you don't have to leave your web browser while creating your content.

Most CMSes have some sort of image upload capability. But, well, that's about it. You can't just take the picture of your digi cam, which might be more than thousand pixels wide and tall and put it up your web site. No, you need to resize it first. And crop it.

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